Earth  Energies

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Earth Energies

Earth energies are usually silent and invisible. These energy fields are felt by many and can affect people, animals, and spiritual entities in both good and bad ways.

Earth energies occur naturally all over the planet, forming a web-like grid of energies above, on top of, and below the earth. These energies can be both positive and negative, good or bad, beneficial or detrimental and can impact those that live and work in or around them. Ancient civilizations knew how to identify both positive and negative earth energies. Ancient peoples built their sacred sites on positive energies and avoided areas of negative energies. Harmful negative earth energies can be found near earthquake faults, underground streams, and underground mineral deposits. This harmful negative energy is known as Geopathic stress.

In the modern era, Geopathic stress has grown to cover the entire earth in a negative energy grid. This growth in Geopathic stress has been attributed to the electrification of the planet. The energy lines that encircle the planet can be defined as positive lines and negative lines. The positive lines are called Ley lines. You’ll normally find these intersecting ancient sacred sites. They are far and few between. They are beneficial as they have positive energy.

The negative lines have several types with different names. Geopathic stress lines include the Hartmann grid, Geopathic stress lines created naturally by the earth, Geopathic stress lines created artificially by the activities of man, and negative personal interference lines that are created by human beings.

There are also both positive and negative energy vortexes. These are spinning tornadoes of energy that both go up from inside the earth and down from above the earth. Hartmann lines are named after Dr. Ernst Hartmann who is credited with discovering them. It is thought they are caused by the electrification of the planet.