About Us
About Us
Geopathic Stress Clearing Earth Acupuncture
I have 13+ years of experience in designing and installing geopathic stress-clearing earth acupuncture systems.
My name is William B. Montag. You can call me Bill. I was born and raised in southern Minnesota. I have lived in Colorado since 1986.
After experiencing several health problems and marriage problems I happened to meet a local spiritual medium/clairvoyant who told me I needed Earth acupuncture done to my property/residence in Leadville Colorado. Having no idea what this was I went to the Internet where I found earth acupuncture training in the Slim Spurling modality.
I find doing this work extremely gratifying. I get tremendous satisfaction clearing property of geopathic stress.
I am willing to travel long distances, including destinations like Vail, Leadville, Aspen, Buena Vista, Chicago, New York, London, Paris, and beyond, to help those in need.
Please feel free to contact me and we can discuss clearing your property.
Thank You.
Bill Montag
Leadville Colorado

Thousands of Happy Patients

Devid S.

Lue Ken.

Devid S.

Jain sue.

Lue Ken.